Monetary Policy
Initial Supply: DAO: 50,000, Presale: 40,000, Liquidity: 8,000, Airdrop + Incentives: 2,000
Reward Rate: 0.5%; this is the amount of total supply minted every rebase period as staking rewards. This value will change, likely downward
Rebase frequency: 28800 seconds (8 hours)
Bond Control Variable (BCV): 300 initially, then changes (likely upward) according to market conditions; controls the pricing of bonds/minting (higher value = higher prices)
Deflation Control Variable (DCV): 300 initially, then changes (likely downward) according to market conditions; controls buyback pressure (higher value = more buying)
Vesting Term (seconds): 432000; bonded tokens are vested over 5 days
Fee (basis points): 10000; the minter and protocol receive equal numbers MINO
Max Payout (/1000): 1000; the maximum payout as a proportion of the deemed value * bond price (this means that approximately 1% of the current supply can be minted in a given bond transaction)
In the protocol's initial state, all other variable values are Wonderland defaults
Last updated